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Why ?

Students usually.....

  • Look for solution and not approach

  • Don't have a revision plan

  • Don't participate in frequent online test (select chapters)

  • Have no idea on peer ranking

  • Never try to create questions

  • Forget previous concepts as new are learnt


Also speed in basic Maths like Tables,Addition,Subtraction,Division is ignored



  • The biggest challenge students face when presented with a Math question is where to start. 

  • Learning Plan for the year exists, but it is only to learn new, and not revise.

  • Plans made  offline are difficult to track and maintain as they change.

  • As new concepts are learnt , previous learning is usually not retained in full

  • Relative ranking i.e. where do you stand against your peers is unknown or driven only via a few school tests across the year

  • Analytics like which chapter is getting considerable low or high scores is not available

  • Fun is taken out as studying means putting in lot of extra hours 

  • Revision at home is almost never with time limit making it never ending

  • Solutions to popular questions are available or rather told and fed, steps are also available , but students are not guided on how to think on the next step ,so they face challenge when solving unknown/new question

  • Basic maths skills like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division including tables are almost never revised but they are speed thrusters

  • Students are almost never encouraged to create new questions and that too in a collaborative way which is the best way to demonstrate knowledge of  a topic

  • Final Exam format of mixed questions are seen only in school exams, no facility to see it more frequently or on-demand

Our Approach

  • Course exercise questions are provided with hints, open only when needed , provoking critical thinking , thereby Learning Approach and not solution

  • Get the fun back - Timed concept test questions , even 10 mins is enough time to revise, no more hours and hours of study

  • Get the fun back -  take a quick online test with your friends on your choice of chapters, your choice of questions , even your choice of  friends and see your relative ranking , all of this delivered on demand

  • Continue to revise topics covered in the past with a plan , A plan that is per your study schedule/order , a plan that updates to changes, a plan that  reminds, tracks and reports progress. This was you can continue to review previous topics and be up to date... again take the boredom out by giving minuscule slots of 5-10 minutes

  • Challenge yourself on a topic by creating a question and then letting your friends comment on it for completeness and the thought behind it, remember creating a questions is by far one of the best methods to demonstrate your grasp on a topic.

  • Keep your numbers up to date by using our 'Play' module where you are challenged for Mental Math.

  • Review your scores periodically to see which chapter needs your time, based on average overall score

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